
Richard D. Pick

Richard Pick is a native of Wisconsin where he graduated from the University of Wisconsin at Madison before moving West. For the last 20 years he has resided in Park City, Utah. He has had a lifelong passion for creative nature photography. He has transitioned from processing his own black and white film and making prints in a traditional darkroom to capturing high resolution digital images and processing and printing them in a digital darkroom. He has had the opportunity to study with noted photographers John and Barbara Gerlach, and master printmaker Charles Cramer. His landscapes concentrate on capturing the solitude of the Colorado Plateau. His wildlife images are primarily of the incredible bird life found in Utah. His images have appeared in several publications, notably Audubon Magazine, and Audubon Calendars and educational materials. He has received numerous competition awards.

His love of the outdoors is expressed in his wonderful images. Many of these images take us to places very, very few people get to experience. These are Utah’s remote and wild places. But they are also the places constantly being proposed for resource extraction or development. We need to understand that these wild places are not just something to be conquered. When wild places are gone, they are gone forever; wilderness can only be lost, it cannot be created.

Photography is all about light and time. Nature photography takes patience and persistence in order to capture a beautiful image. Dick hopes that his images give all of us a greater appreciation for the beauty around us. Dick has been photographing since his college days and he continues to perfect his craft to this day.

Photo Credit: Charli Bova